Writers have a hard time. They really do. Writing isn’t easy. If someone says writing is easy, they aren’t a writer. If you find yourself stuck, check this list. These are some things even the best writers find themselves doing and should really knock it off (including myself).
1. You Don’t Believe in Breaking the Rules
First of all, rules are there to be guidelines, don’t ignore them. BUT just like any rule, they are meant to be broken. Learn the rules of writing and then break them. Follow your own voice.
2. You’re Not Reading
If you don’t like to read, you probably don’t like to write. They go together. Stories should be your bread and butter. When you aren’t writing, you should be reading, (hell… a movie, tv-show or video game with a good story element is good enough too). If you feel you can’t afford enough books to always be reading, check out Thriftbooks.com OR GO TO THE LIBRARY!
3. You Only Write When You’re Inspired
Inspiration is a lucky thing that comes around once in a blue moon. When it hits, take advantage of it, until then, scrape the bottom and do your best with what you've got.
4. You Procrastinate
Procrastination is the plaque of writers. Putting off one day turns into two, turns into a week, a month, a year and you don’t even notice. You need to put down what you can (prioritize) and write. Even if you write 50 words a day, it’s something.
5. You Get Offended by Critics
The worst mistake any writer can make is ignoring critique partners. You either think you know more than they do or you like your work too much to change it. DON’T BE LIKE THAT. You can’t improve without critiques. Accept the help you’re given and grow. Thick skin is the only way to be a writer.
6. You’re Trying To Be the Next *Insert Super Famous, Best-selling Author Here*
All the best authors started out just like you! BE YOURSELF! Don’t worry about making a million dollars from writing. Most authors have second jobs. Most authors can NOT live off their book income alone. Writing should bring you pleasure, so don’t worry about being the next Stephen King.
7. You Don’t Believe You’re a Writer Until You’re Published and/or Living Off the Income
Writers write. Period. Refer to # 6
8. You Open Too Many Projects
Writers finish stories. If you bounce between too many, you’ll never finish them. You will bounce forever. Pick one (or two) stories and stick to them until the end, THEN move on to the next.
9. You’re Not Writing
Writers write.
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