Descriptive writing allows your readers to picture where events are taking place and allows more immersion into the piece itself.
Even though it’s important, many writers have a hard time doing it. They either take too much time to describe something small or they gloss over things that needed more.
I have a few tips on how to get it right.
1. Slow down! Writing a good piece takes time. If you slow down and read each part carefully, you should be able to see where you might need more work. Putting: “It was hot” doesn’t cut it. To put it bluntly, show, don’t tell.
2. Use the 5 senses: Don’t say the room feels cold. Make your reader shiver with your words. Describe how a newborn’s room smells like baby powder. Make your reader see, hear, and feel what your character is seeing, hearing, and feeling.
3. Match the mood: You never want your description to be at a different pace from the plot. Are you writing a battle scene? Then use shorter sentences. The last thing you want to do is write a description that pulls your reader out of the scene.
4. Match the narrator: Make it a point not to have your character notice something out of their personality. If they are scared, don’t have them describe how comfortable their bed is. This is probably one of the most important parts of descriptive writing.
5. Symbolism: Don’t overuse it. But, honestly, figurative writing is one of the most helpful forms of descriptive writing. Hyperbole can explain to your reader just how enormous and daunting that mountain is.
6. If it’s not important to the story, cut it out: Please. If you have any regard for your readers, follow this rule. Do not overuse description. Make every description, no matter how small, work to enrich your book.
If you have any other questions about descriptive writing, email me at